We designed a comprehensive solution for your service and logistics operations – the ROUTEPLAN application.

The application is ready to be used by companies that want to efficiently plan logistics and organize orders. It also simplify the overview for internal staff and deliver relevant scheduling information to customers.

You can try everything out for free first, before purchasing the application. ROUTEPLAN allow you to enter all your orders in one place. Plan your own work schedule, and service trips for each employee. Both the customer and the employee, have the option of entering an order using a friendly web interface, where they can specify what they need from your company, and when.

The received and created orders can automatically, or manually create a “trip.” where the responsible employee can then assign them to individual drivers, thus creating schedules and tasks to their day.

Each driver has a smartphone with the ROUTEPLAN mobile app, where they log in with their own details. In the app, they can only see their schedule of trips and no one else’s. The driver receives a notification on his mobile device with every new job that is assigned to a name.

Distance, among other things, links the worker and the customer. These can be optimized by the driver, who is guided by GPS navigation to the next job, using the mobile app The driver can then find the shortest route then connects the points that are on the schedule, for the day of, in a most convenient way.

Distance, among other things, links the worker and the customer. These can be optimized by the driver, who is guided by GPS navigation to the next job, using the mobile app The driver can then find the shortest route then connects the points that are on the schedule, for the day of, in a most convenient way.

Do you have a monthly assembly or other event at the same location and at a recurring time? With a revision system, you can prepare for this recurring event. Transfer it from memory to the ROUTEPLAN system. Then carry it with you in an app that always alerts you in advance. All actions,- except the first one that starts the cycle, – are called directly by the application, without your participation.

Do you miss the function to add your own column names? ROUTEPLAN will adapt to you. You set the attributes of the order according to your own processes. You can create the information that appears in the system according to your individual needs and rules.