Heavy Machinery Monitoring
“More Than 70 pieces of Heavy Equipment Are Stolen Every Day in the United States.”
As Little as 10% of Stolen Equipment is Recovered. There is a simple low cost way to protect your heavy equipment every time.
For construction and agricultural machinery, in addition to real-time GPS location tracking and automatic logbook creation, we also offer other application functions that you may appreciate even more – driver identification, engine hours tracking, fuel level tracking (anti-theft protection) and much more.

Detailed logbook
A tracking device for your heavy construction machines will indicate the precise location of your equipment providing you with the ability for instant recovery.
Reduce operating expenses
GPS equipment tracking systems can lower your insurance costs.
Monitoring of worked hours
Monitoring of hours worked even when the heavy machine is not moving and the engine is on. Compared to the amount of work performed, inefficient work of the operator can thus be detected. A sensor connected to the input of the unit will allow monitoring, for example, the operation of the pump, conveyor, etc.
Heavy machinery tracking features
We have expanded the functionality of the electronic logbook named Auto GPS by adding the feature of monitoring building machines and other special equipment (e.g. excavators, bulldozers, tractors, combine harvesters etc). Monitoring of these machines, in contrast to general road vehicles, requires managing different characteristics of such vehicles. As compared to a common road vehicle, an excavator spends most of the day at one location with occasional moving short distances from place to place. Another movement characteristic that is typical for bulldozers combined machine excavator/bulldozer, or a combine harvester. With these machines, it is recommended to monitor only their position changes but also the time during which a given machine worked in one place.
Of course, the algorithm of the logbook also detects and records separately the movement of machines from one place to another as well as the time spent working at one place or in a limited construction area. The time spent working at one place is recorded and processed separately (records of engine run time), which affects directly monitoring the amount of fuel consumed by a machine. This prevents effectively any falsifications of the records of consumed fuel since it is not possible to report extra hours as if a machine was in use. Similarly to road vehicles, there remains the possibility to record the time and traveled distance as well as to trace a vehicle in case of theft by means of the GPS. The unit is hidden inside a machine and it does not require any service from the machine operating staff.